Why Choose Hill Hear Better Clinic?

A Perfect Fit
An essential part of our evaluations is utilizing best practices to secure the perfect fit for your devices. Even the most expensive hearing aid can be underperforming if it is not positioned properly in the ear, measured for performance, and fine-tuned accordingly using best practices such as Real Ear Measures.
Some of our favorite appointments begin with a patient that has nearly lost hope in hearing aids before coming to us. By making proper adjustments to the physical and acoustical features using best practices like Real Ear Measures, we are able to help our patients get the most out of their hearing treatment and achieve the best hearing possible.
What We Offer
Our service doesn’t stop after your hearing issues are addressed and treated. We follow-up with our patients regularly and offer effectiveness measures, fit adjustments/programming, tinnitus therapy, ear wax removal, ongoing testing, and counseling. We also offer hearing aid battery replacements, hearing aid repairs, and regular cleanings to make sure patients are always getting the most out of their hearing loss treatment.
To accommodate each person’s individual needs, we also carry many different hearing aid models from the following manufacturers: Starkey, Oticon, Phonak, ReSound, Signia and Widex.
We understand the value of hearing and we do whatever we can to be here for you to optimize your auditory experience and achieve the best hearing possible.
Most Hearing Technology Brands, All Styles
Initial Visit
- Pre-Visit Assessment, Registration & Benefits Review
- Hearing Health History & Patient Insights
- Cognivue Cognitive Screening
- Video Otoscopy, Acoustic Immittance & Reflexes
- Puretone Thresholds, UCLs, Speech Understanding in Quiet
- Speech Understanding in Noise
- Explanation of Test Results & Hearing Education
- Treatment Recommendations
- Hearing Technology Demonstration
- Collaborative Care with Physician & Specialists
Fittings & Impressions
- Set-up with Best Fit Software
- Verification of Hearing Prescription with Real Ear Measure
- Adjust to Hearing Needs & Education
- Post-Fitting Call from Doctor
- Custom Ear Molds
- Impressions Taken by Doctor of Audiology
- Treatment Checklist™
Ongoing Care & Health Assessments
- Thorough Medical Audiological Diagnostic Evaluations
- Annual Hearing and Treatment Evaluations
- Unlimited Follow-up Visits
- Unlimited Batteries & Supplies
- Unlimited Cleaning & Readjustment
- Unlimited Repair (in-house and manufacturer) and Loss
- Unlimited Programming / Re-programming and Connecting to Mobile Phone
- Unlimited Support Over the Phone
- Dementia Screening with Cognivue
- Thorough Medical Audiological Diagnostic Evaluation
- Unlimited Wax Removal
- Unlimited Re-testing
Contact Us Today And You Could Be Hearing Better Tomorrow
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